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workplace yoga

virtual and in-person sessions for your team

Inclusive, open-level sessions to relieve stress,  develop resilience, and counterbalance the impact of a desk job on the body and mind.

online & in-person

One-off or regular

Costs can vary depending on sessions' character, length, location and frequency

Working in the offices of advertising agencies myself, I experienced firsthand the stress of a fast-paced ‘just-get-on-with-it’ work life and learned how much one’s ability to put things in perspective and learn to manage stress can improve it. We can’t avoid stress at work, but we can learn how to be more resilient in approaching difficult situations with confidence and calm, or leading a team with increased empathy and awareness - all of which yoga practice helps with a lot.


We spend so much time at work and often our identities are almost tied to the work that we do. However, detaching from that notion is a very healthy approach, because that’s when we can face challenges with a composed and mature attitude, becoming better equipped to do what we do, and as a result more successful and satisfied.

The great thing is that such personal growth has a positive impact on all areas of life, not just the workplace, but all of them influence how we show up in and outside of work too.


Session summary:

The style of a workplace yoga session would be a general open level class suitable to anyone no matter their level of fitness. Based on Hatha Yoga style, the class is a slower form of calming movement synchronised with the breath, promoting mindfulness and relaxation, and focusing on the areas of the body most commonly affected by a desk job like stiffness in the neck and shoulders, lower back pain, tight hips and wrists.

The session can be designed for whatever length you need, whether it’s a short 30 mins lunch time session, or a regular class between 45mins to 75mins.

What you will need:

- space: For an on-site class you would need around 1.5-2.2m of space per person to fit in the yoga mats (max recommended attendees in-person are 20 people)

- yoga mats: Mats are not provided, so they would need to be provided by the workplace, or the attendees are welcome to bring their own yoga/fitness mats

- optional, but recommended - blocks

- if online - laptop or phone to connect to zoom

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